Source code for alkali.metamodel

from collections import OrderedDict

from .relmanager import RelManager
from .fields import Field, ForeignKey, OneToOneField
from . import signals

# Architecture
# This is complicated enough to warrant some explanation.
# A Model class has a Meta instance.
# The Fields are instances in the Meta instance.
# For a given Model, all Field instances are shared since there is only
# one Meta instance for that Model class. This means that a field can't know
# it's exact Model instance, only it's parent Model class.

# from:
# from: lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/
# remember that `type` is actually a class like `str` and `int`
# so you can inherit from it
[docs]class MetaModel(type): """ *do not use this class directly* *code reviews of this class are very welcome* base class for :class:`alkali.model.Model`. this complicated metaclass is required to convert a stylized class into a useful concrete one. it converts :class:`alkali.fields.Field` variables into their base types as attributes on the instantiated class. **Meta**: adds a ``Meta`` class if not already defined in ``Model`` derived class **objects**: :class:`alkali.manager.Manager` """ # this called once per Model _definition_ # __new__ is the method called before __init__ # meta_class is _this_ class, aka: MetaModel # this makes a new MetaModel instance def __new__(meta_class, name, bases, attrs): #print "__new__ cls:",type(meta_class),meta_class,name super_new = super(MetaModel, meta_class).__new__ # Also ensure initialization is only performed for subclasses of Model # (excluding Model class itself). This keeps all of Models attrs intact. if not any( map( lambda b: isinstance(b, MetaModel), bases ) ): new_class = super_new(meta_class, name, bases, attrs) return new_class # new_class is an instance of 'name' (aka Model) whose type is MetaModel # print "new_class", type(new_class), new_class # new_class <class 'alkali.metamodel.MetaModel'> <class 'redb.metamodel.MyModel'> new_class = super_new(meta_class, name, bases, {}) new_class._add_meta( attrs ) new_class._add_fields() new_class._add_manager() new_class._add_relmanagers() new_class._add_exceptions() # put the rest of the attributes (methods and properties) # defined in the Model derived class into the "new" Model for name, attr in attrs.items(): setattr(new_class, name, attr) signals.model_creation.send(meta_class, model=new_class) return new_class def _add_manager( new_class ): from .manager import Manager setattr( new_class, 'objects', Manager(new_class) ) def _add_relmanagers( new_class ): """ if this class has foreign keys then we need to add the reverse lookup into the *other* model """ for name, field in new_class.Meta.fields.items(): if not isinstance(field, ForeignKey): continue # note the name=name in the lambda, this is vital to capture # the current value of name and not the last of the loop # more info: rel_manager = property( lambda fm_instance, name=name: RelManager(fm_instance, new_class, name) ) set_name = "{}_set".format(new_class.__name__).lower() setattr( field.foreign_model, set_name, rel_manager ) signals.pre_delete.connect( new_class.objects.cb_delete_foreign, sender=field.foreign_model) if isinstance(field, OneToOneField): signals.post_save.connect( new_class.objects.cb_create_foreign, sender=field.foreign_model) def _add_exceptions( new_class ): from .model import ObjectDoesNotExist # dynamically create a new class types DoesNotExist = type('DoesNotExist', (ObjectDoesNotExist,), {} ) EmptyPrimaryKey = type('EmptyPrimaryKey', (Exception,), {} ) MultipleObjectsReturned = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (Exception,), {} ) setattr( new_class, 'ObjectDoesNotExist', ObjectDoesNotExist ) setattr( new_class, 'DoesNotExist', DoesNotExist ) setattr( new_class, 'EmptyPrimaryKey', EmptyPrimaryKey ) setattr( new_class, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', MultipleObjectsReturned ) def _add_meta( new_class, attrs ): def _get_fields( attrs ): return [(k, v) for k, v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, Field)] def _get_field_order(attrs): """ returns field names in the order they were defined in the class """ fields = _get_fields(attrs) fields.sort(key=lambda e: e[1]._order) return [k for k, _ in fields] class Object(object): pass # Meta is an instance in Model class # all following properties on the Meta class, not instance meta = attrs.pop( 'Meta', Object ) setattr( new_class, 'Meta', meta() ) if not hasattr(meta, 'filename'): meta.filename = None if not hasattr(meta, 'storage'): = None if not hasattr(meta, 'ordering'): meta.ordering = _get_field_order(attrs) meta.field_filter = lambda self, field_type: \ [n for n, f in self.fields.items() if isinstance(f, field_type)] # don't let user miss a field if they've defined Meta.ordering assert len(meta.ordering) == len(_get_fields(attrs)), \ "missing/extra fields defined in Meta.ordering" # put the fields into the meta class # meta.ordering contains field names, attrs contains Field types meta.fields = OrderedDict() for field in meta.ordering: meta.fields[field] = attrs.pop(field) delattr( meta.fields[field], '_order' ) # make sure 'pk' isn't a field name, etc for d in ['pk']: assert d not in meta.fields # you can set a property on a class but it will only be called on an instance # I'd prefer this to be a read-only property but I guess that can't happen # # note: don't use a dict comprehension because interim dict will have keys # inserted in random order meta.pk_fields = OrderedDict( [(name, field) for name, field in meta.fields.items() if field.primary_key] ) if len(meta.fields): assert len(meta.pk_fields) > 0, "no primary_key defined in fields" def _add_fields( new_class ): """ put the Field reference into new_class """ meta = new_class.Meta # add properties to field for name, field in meta.fields.iteritems(): field._name = name fget = lambda self: getattr(self, '_name') setattr( field.__class__, 'name', property(fget=fget) ) field._model = new_class fget = lambda self: getattr(self, '_model') setattr( field.__class__, 'model', property(fget=fget) ) fget = lambda self: self.model.Meta setattr( field.__class__, 'meta', property(fget=fget) ) # put fields in model for name, field in meta.fields.iteritems(): # make magic property model.fieldname_field that returns Field object fget = lambda self, name=name: self.Meta.fields[name] setattr( new_class, name + '__field', property(fget=fget) ) # set the Field descriptor object on the model class # which makes it accessable on the model instance # # the field can't be a property to Meta.fields[name] # because then the descriptor-ness is lost and a normal # getattr is called on the model instance setattr( new_class, name, field ) # creates a new instance of derived model, this is called each # time a Model instance is created def __call__(cls, *args, **kw): obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args) if 'pk' in kw: assert len(cls.Meta.pk_fields) == 1, "can't currently set compound primary key via kwargs" field_name = cls.Meta.pk_fields.keys()[0] assert field_name not in kw, "can't pass in 'pk' and actual pk field name" value = kw.pop('pk') kw[field_name] = value # put field values (int,str,etc) into model instance for name, field in cls.Meta.fields.iteritems(): # THINK: this somewhat duplicates Field.__set__ code value = kw.pop(name, field.default_value) value = field.cast(value) # store the actual value in the model's __dict__, used by Field.__get__ obj.__dict__[name] = value obj._dirty = False obj.__init__(*args, **kw) return obj