Source code for alkali.manager

import inspect
import copy

from .query import Query
from . import fields
from . import signals

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Manager(object): """ the ``Manager`` class is the parent/owner of all the :class:`alkali.model.Model` instances. Each ``Model`` has it's own manager. ``Manager`` could rightly be called ``Table``. """ def __init__( self, model_class ): """ :param Model model_class: the model that we should store (not an instance) """ assert inspect.isclass(model_class) self._model_class = model_class self._instances = {} self._dirty = False self.clear() def __repr__(self): return "<{}: {}>".format(self._name, len(self)) def __len__(self): return len(self._instances) def __getattr__(self, attr): # return a Query object, this prevents us from having to # make pass-through functions for each Query param. # eg. Manager().filter() -> Query().filter() return getattr(Query(self), attr) @property def model_class(self): return self._model_class @property def count(self): """ **property**: number of model instances we're holding """ return len(self) @property def _name(self): """ **property**: pretty version of our class name, based on our model eg. *MyModelManager* """ return "{}Manager".format(self.model_class.__name__) @property def pks(self): """ **property**: return all primary keys :rtype: ``list`` """ return list(self._instances.keys()) @property def instances(self): """ **property**: return all model instances :rtype: ``list`` """ return [copy.copy(obj) for obj in self._instances.values()] @property def dirty(self): """ **property**: return True if any model instances are dirty :rtype: ``bool`` """ if self._dirty: return True
[docs] @staticmethod def sorter(elements, reverse=False ): """ yield model instances in primary key order :param Manager.instances elements: our instances :param kw: * reverse: return in reverse order :rtype: ``generator`` """ for key in sorted(elements.keys(), reverse=reverse): yield elements[key]
[docs] def save(self, instance, dirty=True, copy_instance=True): """ Copy instance into our collection. We make a copy so that caller can't change its object and affect our version without calling save() again. :param Model instance: :param dirty: don't mark us as dirty if False, used during loading """ #logger.debug( "saving model instance: %s", str( ) signals.pre_save.send(self.model_class, instance=instance ) assert is not None, \ "{}.save(): instance '{}' has None for pk".format(self._name, instance) if copy_instance: instance = self._instances[] = copy.copy(instance) else: self._instances[] = instance # THINK may be mistake to send the actual object out via the signal but probably # what any reciever actually wants signals.post_save.send( self.model_class, instance=instance ) # self._dirty is required because think what would happen # if we add a clean model instance if dirty: self._dirty = True
[docs] def clear(self): """ remove all instances of our models. we'll be marked as dirty if we previously had model instances. **Note**: this does not affect on-disk files until :func:`` is called. """ logger.debug( "%s: clearing all models", self._name ) self._dirty = len(self) > 0 self._instances = {}
[docs] def delete(self, instance): """ remove an instance from our models by calling ``del`` on it :param Model instance: """ # TODO should probably take an pk instead of an instance # logger.debug( "deleting model instance: %s", str( ) signals.pre_delete.send(self.model_class, instance=instance) try: del self._instances[ ] self._dirty = True signals.post_delete.send(self.model_class, instance=instance) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def cb_delete_foreign(self, sender, instance ): """ called when our foreign parent is about to be deleted """ # keep in sync with metamodel._add_relmanagers() fk_set = self.model_class.__name__.lower() + '_set' # eg. instance.auxinfo_set.all() for elem in getattr(instance, fk_set).all(): self.delete(elem)
[docs] def cb_create_foreign(self, sender, instance ): """ called when our foreign parent (likely OneToOneField) is created """ # keep in sync with metamodel._add_relmanagers() elem = self.model_class(pk=instance), dirty=False, copy_instance=False)
[docs] def store(self, storage, force=False): """ save all our instances to storage :param Storage storage: an instance :param bool force: force save even if we're not dirty """ if not storage: logger.debug("%s: no storage instance for storing, exiting", self._name) return if force: self._dirty = True if self.dirty: signals.pre_store.send(self.model_class) logger.debug( "%s: has dirty records, saving", self._name ) logger.debug( "%s: storing models via storage class: %s", self._name, storage._name ) gen = Manager.sorter(self._instances) storage.write(gen) logger.debug( "%s: finished storing %d records", self._name, len(self) ) signals.post_store.send(self.model_class) else: logger.debug( "%s: has no dirty records, not saving", self._name ) self._dirty = False
[docs] def load(self, storage): """ load all our instances from storage :param Storage storage: an instance :raises KeyError: if there are duplicate primary keys """ if not storage: logger.debug("%s: no storage instance for loading, exiting", self._name) return def validate_fk_fields(fk_fields, elem): for fk_field_name in fk_fields: try: getattr(elem, fk_field_name) # this does a lookup on foreign key object except KeyError: # THINK # get elem's pk value, need to do it in this convoluted way since # might try to lookup the very thing that is missing field_name = elem.Meta.pk_fields.keys()[0] pk_value = elem.__dict__[field_name] logger.warning( "%s.%s: foreign instance missing: %s", self.model_class.__name__, elem.__dict__[fk_field_name], pk_value) # THINK/TODO we need to delete ourselves return False return True assert not inspect.isclass(storage) storage = storage logger.debug( "%s: loading models via storage class: %s", self._name, storage._name ) signals.pre_load.send(self.model_class) self.clear() dirty = False fk_fields = self.model_class.Meta.field_filter(fields.ForeignKey) for elem in self.model_class ): if isinstance(elem, dict): elem = self.model_class( **elem ) if not validate_fk_fields(fk_fields, elem): logger.debug("failed to validate_fk_fields") dirty = True continue if in self._instances: # THINK raise KeyError( '%s: pk collision detected during load: %s' % (self.model_class.__name__, str( ) if is None: raise self.model_class.EmptyPrimaryKey(), dirty=False, copy_instance=False) self._dirty = dirty logger.debug( "%s: finished loading %d records", self._name, len(self) ) signals.post_load.send(self.model_class)
[docs] def get(self, *pk, **kw): """ perform a query that returns a single instance of a model :param pk: optional primary key :type pk: value or ``tuple`` if multi-pk :param kw: optional ``field_name=value`` :rtype: single :class:`alkali.model.Model` instance :raises DoesNotExist: if 0 instances returned :raises MultipleObjectsReturned: if more than 1 instance returned :: m = MyModel.objects.get(1) # equiv to m = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1) m = MyModel.objects.get(some_field='a unique value') m = MyModel.objects.get(field1='a unique', field2='value') """ # FIXME need to support direct access multi pk models if len(pk) == 0 and list(kw.keys()) == ['pk']: pk = list(kw.values()) # NOTE without this, direct access ForeignKeys are 100x slower if len(pk) == 1: pk = self.model_class.Meta.pk_fields.values()[0].cast(pk[0]) return copy.copy( self._instances[pk] ) results = Query(self).filter(**kw) if len(results) == 0: raise self.model_class.DoesNotExist("{}: no results for: {}".format( self.model_class.__name__, str(kw)) ) if len(results) > 1: raise self.model_class.MultipleObjectsReturned("{}: got {} results for: {}".format( self.model_class.__name__, len(results), str(kw)) ) return results[0]